1. Manual and Manipulative Therapy
2. Acupuncture and Dry Needling (IMS)
3. Exercise Therapy
4. Post-surgical Rehabilitation
5. Vestibular Rehabilitation
6. TMJ Therapy
7. Home Assessment for BC Rebate
8. Foot Assessment and Orthotics
Manual and Manipulative Therapy
Manual techniques are any techniques performed by the therapist’s hands. Hands on therapy includes joint mobilization, joint manipulation; muscle, ligament and fascia realignment with tools, soft tissue massage, active release techniques, muscle energy techniques and passive range of motion.
Acupuncture and Trigger Point Dry Needling(like IMS)
Acupuncture: the gentle insertion of sterile hair thin needles into anatomically based acupuncture points along energy meridians. The needles remain in place for 15 minutes to stimulate your central nervous system to produce increased quantities of naturally occurring chemicals which act to decrease pain, swelling, muscle tension and heal the injured area. People who have chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, and arthritis respond well to this treatment.
Trigger point dry needling: acupuncture needles are inserted and fanned through the muscle to release the trigger points (tight bands within muscles). Trigger points develop in muscles when the nerves connected to the muscle malfunction. Injury to a joint, ligament, fascia, bone or muscle can cause the muscle to be kept in a contracted state. Dry needling technique will release the tension in the muscle to produce an immediate increase in movement and decrease in pain. The positive effects are long lasting and dramatic.
Conditions that respond to dry needling/acupuncture:
Muscle strains and injuries
Tendinopathies such as tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, rotator cuff, achilles tendinopathy
Nerve compression syndromes such as sciatica and radiating arm pain
TMJ (jaw)
Postural tension
Arthritis in any joint
Tight muscles and joints after bone fractures
There is no additional cost to the client for Acupuncture or Dry Needling. The physiotherapist will determine if either of these would be helpful in your recovery and you can choose whether or not you would like to try them.
Exercise and Active Rehabilitation
We have a kinesiologist and physiotherapists that design an exercise program especially for you to alleviate strain, prevent injuries and keep you fit and lean. We are experts in strength and conditioning, cardiovascular exercise, core stability, balance training, agility, performance, and injury rehabilitation.
Post-surgical Rehabilitation
Our physiotherapists provide hands on care, education on use of gait aids and adaptive equipment, incision management, exercise therapy and support. We provide everything you need following a surgery or fracture to get you moving again. We accept vouchers from Lion’s Gate Hospital, Sechelt Hospital, Vancouver Coastal Health and UBC.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular Rehabilitation is for people experiencing balance and dizziness issues. Some of the conditions that will benefit from treatment include Meniere’s disease, BPPV, labyrinthitis, and vertigo. Our therapist has specialized education in the treatment of vestibular problems.
Temporomandibular Therapy (TMJ=Jaw)
Jaw pain can arise from stiff muscles around the jaw bones, and dysfunction of the jaw joint and disc within the joint. Jaw pain is successfully treated by exercise, manual therapy and often the cooperation of a skilled dentist and physiotherapist.
Home Assessment for BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (up to $20,000.00 lifetime rebate)
A physiotherapist assessment is required for most adaptations to be approved. The physiotherapist’s assessment fee is refunded even if you do not qualify for the rebate. The household member must have a loss of ability or permanent disability. Please go to https://www.bchousing.org/housing-assistance/BC-RAHA to view all of the requirements of the rebate.
Physiotherapy Assessment: includes travel to your home, a home analysis, assessment of individual and relevant paperwork for the application.
Please call the clinic at 604-989-4828 to schedule a home assessment.
Foot Assessment and Orthotics
Your feet are pretty amazing structures that we often take for granted until there is a problem. Our feet do change over time with exposure to injuries, excessive loading, aging and everything in between. The best place to start is with a good assessment.
We discuss your history, look at your posture, foot type, joint range of motion and do a video gait analysis. From all of this information, I put together your best options for management given all factors. Footwear suggestions with styles and components of shoes that best suit your foot type are also given at the assessment appointment.
​Often it’s also appropriate to refer out for soft tissue therapies like massage and physiotherapy, especially if your feet don’t seem to be the main contributor to your issues.
Initial Pedorthic Assessment: $85.00
Custom Orthotics: $540.00
For orthotics or knee brace fittings please call the practitioner Noelle Trotter on her phone 604-319-2885.